Se dovessimo stilare la classifica degli uomini più emblematici del secolo passato sicuramente daremmo un posto di prim'ordine a Bruce Lee. Un nome che riecheggia forte, indelebile nella storia delle arti marziali: un uomo, un destino, una missione ma soprattutto un maestro. A distanza di anni dalla sua scomparsa, milioni di persone venerano la sua tomba; pregano dinnanzi alla sua effige, si ispirano alle sue movenze e studiano la sua filosofia per raggiungere una qualche forma di entelechia aristotelica: una sorta di perfezione interiore ed esteriore. In tutte le TV del mondo sono stati trasmessi documentari e film sulla sua vita; con cadenza aperiodica viene alla luce nuovo materiale video, libri, articoli che ci parlano della grande star cinematografica; il divo che ha lasciato un ricordo fortissimo nel cuore di ogni praticante di arti marziali di tutto il globo. Bruce Lee, l'uomo che la stampa degli Stati Uniti ha battezzato "più forte del mondo". Su di lui circolano aneddoti che hanno dell'incredibile ma anche leggende metropolitane; la sua vita è stata segnata da eventi straordinari quanto misteriosi come la sua morte. Attraverso l'analisi astrologica del suo tema natale andremo a scavare nella sua personalità per comprendere appieno il suo destino, la lotta contro i suoi demoni interiori, le sue paure, la sua forza, la sua umanità.
Figlio di cinesi ma nato a San Francisco. Poco male per un Sagittario che ha passato la maggior parte della sua vita a spasso tra la Cina e gli U.S.A. E' risaputo infatti che il nono segno dello zodiaco è legato ai viaggi, alle grandi esplorazioni. Quando nacque Bruce, suo padre era impegnato nelle riprese di un film comico proprio nella città americana. Era un attore del teatro dell'opera cinese e spesso faceva la spola tra Cina e Stati Uniti. Siccome tempo addietro la morte aveva strappato la vita di un figlioletto, la povera Grace, madre della star cinematografica, pensò bene di chiamare il nuovo nascituro con un nome da donna: Li Jun Fan (piccola fenice) per esorcizzare la morte secondo un'antica credenza cinese; ma per l'anagrafe americana era Bruce Lee, un nome scelto da una infermiera. Già queste premesse ci informano che sin dalla nascita vi era qualcosa di singolare e strano: se osserviamo il tema natale si nota immediatamente un accumulo di pianeti nell'11^ casa che è proprio quella delle stranezze. Se per strada vediamo qualcuno un po' strambo, stravagante, bizzarro, possiamo star certi che avrà l'11^ casa bene in evidenza oppure forti valori acquario. La sua infanzia è stata abbastanza burrascosa: il giovane Lee era un ribelle così come mostrato dalla luna e dai numerosi valori nello scorpione, il segno sovversivo, spregiudicato e ribelle. Inoltre era sempre immischiato in qualche tipo di guerra con bande criminali della Hong Kong di fine anni '40. Era irrequieto, incostante (valori sagittario) e aveva l'abilità di ficcarsi sempre in qualche guaio perché fortemente attratto dalla criminalità (Luna quadrata a Plutone). Era soprannominato Li Xiao Long (il piccolo drago) a causa del suo carattere irascibile, violento. I genitori preoccupati pensarono bene di iscriverlo ad un Kwon, ad una palestra di arti marziali affinché fosse "domato" e riportato sulla "retta via". Così cominciarono le sue lezioni sotto la tutela del maestro Ip Man, una vera e propria leggenda delle arti marziali; uno dei più grandi maestri di tutti i tempi. Lee apprendeva i rudimenti del Wing Chun e nel frattempo migliorava le sue capacità di concentrazione che prima di allora erano state sempre deficitarie: il tema astrologico infatti oltre a mostrarci il Sole e l'ascendente nel sagittario, ci mostra l'opposizione tra Mercurio e Saturno. Questo aspetto in particolare era quello che gli impediva di dedicarsi agli studi per apprendere. Ma Bruce Lee era un genio (dominante Nettuno) e ben presto si sarebbe riscattato laureandosi addirittura in filosofia.
Bruce era Arrogante, prepotente (dominante Sole) e pensava sempre di avere ragione (mercurio opposto a Giove). Ma infondo era un sempliciotto, una persona profondamente soggetta a fregature per la sua ingenuità (sagittario). Sin dall'infanzia era emerso un certo desiderio di stare al centro dell'attenzione (Sole dominante all'ascendente) e quel Nettuno gli ha certamente permesso di divenire una "maschera" un uomo capace di metamorfosi, di adattarsi bene ai diversi ruoli cinematografici. In particolar modo Bruce era un comico, sempre a dire barzellette e a stupire gli amici con giochi di prestigio e destrezza (valori di 11^ casa oltre che Mercurio quadrato a Plutone: l'inganno)
Col passare del tempo, i valori sagittario lo hanno riportato a un certo ordine morale (Sole e ascendente); ma c'era sempre il desiderio di superare dei limiti e delle regole imposti dai valori Acquario. Infatti Bruce Lee appena trasferitosi negli Stati Uniti, decide di aprire un Kwon per" insegnare a chiunque volesse imparare". L'anticonformismo emerge con prepotenza perchè lui è di mentalità aperta; non gli interessa se ad apprendere si tratta di un Africano, un Giapponese o un Americano: per lui non esistevano differenze di razza, né classi sociali (valori di 11^ casa) e non gli importava nulla delle continue intimidazioni della comunità Cinese, conservatrice e diffidente per eccellenza. Era proibito insegnare arti marziali ai "non Cinesi" ma lui era un ribelle (stellium in scorpione) e non voleva ascoltare (11^ casa) nemmeno quando gli mandavano degli sfidanti per risolvere la questione con la forza...
Durante il suo soggiorno negli Stati Uniti, Bruce stava maturando un'idea personale sulle arti marziali e dagli scontri a cui era sottoposto, si rese conto dei suoi limiti in termini di abilità, resistenza cardiovascolare, velocità, efficacia. Ogni scontro terminava in pochi minuti sempre a favore di Bruce; ma lui non era mai soddisfatto: era un perfezionista che aspirava a terminare l'incontro con un colpo solo: "il massimo con il minimo". Era una fissa quasi maniacale; e allora sottoponeva il suo corpo a fortissimo stress (Marte in scorpione) attraverso allenamenti estenuanti che un bel giorno lo portarono ad una grave lesione alla spina dorsale (Urano in 6^ casa). Bruce rimase paralizzato su un lettino d'ospedale per sei mesi e i medici dicevano che non avrebbe potuto mai più praticare arti marziali. Ma i medici non sapevano che il tema natale mostrava un trigono tra Plutone e il Sole e ascendente: potentissime risorse d'energia, io possente, fortissima volontà, potenza! E allora in poco tempo non solo si riprese, ma migliorò notevolmente e ulteriormente le sue capacità di marzialista. Durante i mesi di infermità aveva maturato le sue idee sulle arti marziali: i movimenti erano troppo complessi e dunque bisognava semplificare (sagittario) ridurre all'essenziale. Così nacque il Jeet Kune Do, l'arte di prevedere il pugno, il sistema di combattimento senza forma, senza movimenti prestabiliti. Da ogni scontro apprendeva nuove tecniche e le adattava a se stesso.
Assieme al corpo, il maestro sagittario evolveva anche lo spirito. Aveva il desiderio di raggiungere la serenità interiore e i suoi studi filosofici della cultura Cinese Taoista, ben presto gli portarono numerose intuizioni. Famosissimi i suoi aforismi:
In ogni ardente desiderio conta più il desiderio della cosa desiderata. (elementi scorpione)
Le teste vuote hanno lingue lunghe. (moralismo sagittariano)
La conoscenza non è sufficiente, dobbiamo applicarla. La volontà non è abbastanza, dobbiamo agire. (Sole in prima casa e in trigono a Plutone)
Conoscere sé stessi è studiarsi mentre si agisce con l'altro. (sagittario e 11^ casa)
Bruce aveva una forte miopia (Nettuno dominante e Sole sulla cuspide I^ 12^ casa) compensata dal desiderio di vedere più a fondo, di andare più in profondità nella conoscenza delle arti marziali e di se stesso. Le stesse posizioni astrologiche sono quelle che gli han portato le persecuzioni: ogni giorno qualcuno entrava nel giardino della sua villetta e cercava di sfidarlo in un combattimento. Il più delle volte rifiutava ma altre volte invece reagiva con la conclusione che il malcapitato si ritrovava in ospedale con le costole rotte. Il più delle volte le persecuzioni provenivano dalla comunità Cinese e poi dalla mafia quando divenne famoso in tutto il mondo. Poi la sua triste e drammatica scomparsa (plutone in ottava casa e in Leone). Per gli ammiratori di tutto il globo fu un grave colpo; una perdita ingiustificata. I rotocalchi di Cina e USA già parlavano di sette segrete, amori clandestini e qualcos'altro di torbido. Il referto medico parla di edema cerebrale (Sole in I^ casa) conseguente a una rara reazione allergica a un componente dell'Equagesik, una sostanza simile all'aspirina. Infatti era noto che la star cinematografica facesse uso frequente di aspirine per combattere i suoi feroci mal di testa (Sole in I^ casa). Poi lo stesso destino è toccato a suo figlio Brandon: freddato da una raffica di colpi di pistola durante le riprese di un film. Il tema di Bruce mostra un eloquente Saturno in 5^ casa opposto a Marte nell 11^. Oggi il fascino magnetico della popolare star Cinese (dispositore dell' 8^ casa in I^) continua a catturare l'attenzione di chi guarda i suoi film. la gente si eccita e si esalta mentre guarda le sue movenze; osservando la sua leggerezza (acquario) come strumento di morte e distruzione (scorpione); la danza del piccolo drago, l'icona delle arti marziali (marte), il simbolo della volontà, del coraggio e dell'immortalità.
Bruce Lee che tu possa riposare in pace.
If we generate the list of men most emblematic of the past century we would certainly place a first class with Bruce Lee. A name that echoes strong, indelible in the history of martial arts: a man, a destiny, a mission but also a teacher. Years later, after his death, millions of people venerate his grave to pray before her image, her movements are inspired by his philosophy and studying to achieve some form of Aristotelian entelechy: a sort of inner and outer perfection. In all the world were broadcast TV documentaries and films about his life, every aperiodic comes to light new material, videos, books, articles that speak of the great movie star, the star who left a strong memory in the heart of each practitioner martial arts from around the globe. Bruce Lee, the man who the U.S. press has dubbed "the world's strongest." Stories that circulate about him but also have incredible urban legends, and his life was marked by extraordinary events as mysterious as his death. Through analysis of his astrological birth chart we're going to dig in his personality to fully understand his fate, the struggle against his inner demons, his fears, his strength, his humanity.
Son of Chinese but born in San Francisco. Not bad for a Sagittarius who has spent most of his life walking between China and the U.S. And 'well-known fact that the ninth sign of the zodiac is related to travel, to the great explorations. When Bruce was born, his father was filming a comedy in its American city. He was an actor of the Chinese opera house and often made back and forth between China and the United States.As long ago death had ripped the life of a child, poor Grace, mother of movie star, thought it well to call the new baby with a woman named Li Jun Fan (small phoenix) to exorcise death according to ancient Chinese belief, but for the American Registry was Bruce Lee, a name chosen by a nurse. Already these premises tell us that from birth, there was something singular and strange if you look at the chart will immediately notice an accumulation of planets in 11 ^ house that is precisely the oddities. If we see someone on the street a bit 'wacky, outlandish, we can be sure that will house the 11 th this clear or strong values aquarium. His childhood was fairly turbulent, the young Lee was a rebel as shown by the moon and the many values in the scorpion, the sign of subversive, unconventional and rebellious. Furthermore, it was always embroiled in some kind of war with gangs of Hong Kong of the late '40s.He was restless, inconstant (values Sagittarius) and always had the ability to thrust into trouble because they are strongly attracted to the crime (Moon square Pluto). He was surnamed Li Xiao Long (little dragon) because of its short-tempered and violent.The worried parents thought it best to join a Kwon, a martial arts gym that was "tamed" and brought about the "right way." Thus began his lessons under the tutelage of master Ip Man, a true martial arts legend, one of the greatest masters of all time.Lee learned the basics of Wing Chun and in the meantime improved his ability to concentrate, which until then had always been in deficit: the fact as well as astrological chart shows the Sun and the Ascendant in Sagittarius, we show the opposition between Mercury and Saturn . This particular aspect was what prevented him to devote himself to studies of learning. But Bruce Lee was a genius (dominant Neptune) and soon would be redeemed even graduating in philosophy.
Bruce was arrogant, overbearing (dominant Sun) and I always think you're right (Mercury opposite Jupiter). But instill was a simpleton, a deeply subject to rip-off for his ingenuity (Sagittarius). Since childhood had shown a desire to be in the spotlight (Sun dominant ascendant), and that Neptune's certainly possible to become a "mask" a man capable of metamorphosis, to adapt well to various film roles. In particular, Bruce was a comedian, always telling jokes and amaze your friends with magic tricks and skill (11 ^ home values as well as Mercury square Pluto: deceit)
Over time, the values Sagittarius him back to a certain moral order (Sun and rising), but there was always the desire to overcome the limitations imposed by the values and rules Aquarius. In fact Bruce Lee just moved to the States, he decided to open Kwon to "teach to anyone who wanted to learn." The apparent nonconformity with arrogance because he's open minded, not interested to learn if this is an African, a Japanese or an American: for him there were no differences of race, social class (values of 11 ^ home) and did not care anything about the continued harassment of the Chinese community, conservative and suspicious for excellence. It was forbidden to teach martial arts to non-Chinese "but he was a rebel (stellium in Scorpio) and did not want to hear (11th house) even when they sent the challenger to resolve the issue by force ...
During his stay in the United States, Bruce was developing a personal idea about martial arts and the fighting that was submitted, he realized his limitations in terms of ability, cardiovascular endurance, speed and effectiveness. Every fight ended in a few minutes all in favor of Bruce, but he was never satisfied: he was a perfectionist who aspired to finish the match with a single blow, "the most with the least." It was a fixed almost manic, and then submitted its strong stress on the body (Mars in Scorpio) through grueling workouts that one day led him to a serious injury to the spine (Uranus in 6th house). Bruce was paralyzed in a hospital bed for six months and doctors said that he could never practice martial arts. But doctors did not know that the chart showed a trine between Pluto and the Sun and ascending powerful resources of energy, I am powerful, strong will power! So in a short time not only recovered, but he improved greatly and further his martial skills. During the months of illness he developed his ideas on martial arts movements were too complex and therefore needed to simplify (Sagittarius) reduce to the essentials. Thus was born the Jeet Kune Do, the art of predicting the fist, the combat system without form, without pre-movement. From every struggle to learn new skills and adapt them to himself.
Along with the body, the master archer also evolved spirit. He had the desire to achieve inner peace and his philosophical studies of the Chinese Taoist culture, soon brought him many insights. His famous aphorism:In any burning desire has more desire for what you want. (Elements scorpion)The empty heads have long tongues. (Moralism Sagittarius)When you do not have a form, you can have any shape, and when you do not have a style, you can have any style. (Dominant Neptune)Knowledge is not enough, we must apply it. The will is not enough, we must act. (Sun in the first house and in trine to Pluto)No matter how you study. It 's more important how much you have absorbed and understood what you have studied. (Mercury in Scorpio)When you hear people say that Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or "what" you do not formalize it is only a name. (Dominant Neptune)My truth may not be yours, but your truth may not be mine. (11th house)Not use the method as a means having the absence of limitations as a limit.(Neptune)To know oneself is to study while acting with another. (Sagittarius and 11th House)The past is an illusion. You must learn to live in the present and accept you for who you are now. What you lack in flexibility and agility you need to acquire the knowledge and constant practice. (Sagittarius and 11th House)
Bruce had a high myopia (Neptune and the Sun on the cusp of ruling the house ^ ^ 12) offset by the desire to see deeper, to go deeper into the knowledge of martial arts and of itself. The same astrological positions are those that have led to the persecution every day someone came into the garden of his house and tried to challenge him in combat. More often than not refused but other times he reacted with the conclusion that the victim found himself in hospital with broken ribs. Most of the time the persecution came from the Chinese community and then by the Mafia when he became famous throughout the world. Then his sad and tragic death (in the eighth house and Pluto in Leo). For admirers around the globe was a big blow, a loss not justified. The magazine of China and the U.S. already talking about secret societies, clandestine love and something to cloudy. The medical report speaks of cerebral edema (Sun in the house ^) resulting from a rare allergic reaction all'equigesik, a component of aspirin. In fact it was known that the film star did frequent use of aspirin to fight his fierce headaches (Sun in the house ^). Then the same fate hit her son Brandon: shot by a volley of pistol shots during the filming of a movie. The theme of an eloquent Bruce shows Saturn in 5th house opposite to Mars in 11 ^. Today, the magnetic appeal of the popular Chinese stars (ruler of the 'house I ^ ^ 8) continues to capture the attention of the viewer of his films. people get excited and exalts himself while watching his movements, watching his weight (tank) as an instrument of death and destruction (scorpion), the little dragon dancing, martial arts icon (Mars), the symbol of the will , courage and immortality.Bruce Lee you can rest in peace.
Son of Chinese but born in San Francisco. Not bad for a Sagittarius who has spent most of his life walking between China and the U.S. And 'well-known fact that the ninth sign of the zodiac is related to travel, to the great explorations. When Bruce was born, his father was filming a comedy in its American city. He was an actor of the Chinese opera house and often made back and forth between China and the United States.As long ago death had ripped the life of a child, poor Grace, mother of movie star, thought it well to call the new baby with a woman named Li Jun Fan (small phoenix) to exorcise death according to ancient Chinese belief, but for the American Registry was Bruce Lee, a name chosen by a nurse. Already these premises tell us that from birth, there was something singular and strange if you look at the chart will immediately notice an accumulation of planets in 11 ^ house that is precisely the oddities. If we see someone on the street a bit 'wacky, outlandish, we can be sure that will house the 11 th this clear or strong values aquarium. His childhood was fairly turbulent, the young Lee was a rebel as shown by the moon and the many values in the scorpion, the sign of subversive, unconventional and rebellious. Furthermore, it was always embroiled in some kind of war with gangs of Hong Kong of the late '40s.He was restless, inconstant (values Sagittarius) and always had the ability to thrust into trouble because they are strongly attracted to the crime (Moon square Pluto). He was surnamed Li Xiao Long (little dragon) because of its short-tempered and violent.The worried parents thought it best to join a Kwon, a martial arts gym that was "tamed" and brought about the "right way." Thus began his lessons under the tutelage of master Ip Man, a true martial arts legend, one of the greatest masters of all time.Lee learned the basics of Wing Chun and in the meantime improved his ability to concentrate, which until then had always been in deficit: the fact as well as astrological chart shows the Sun and the Ascendant in Sagittarius, we show the opposition between Mercury and Saturn . This particular aspect was what prevented him to devote himself to studies of learning. But Bruce Lee was a genius (dominant Neptune) and soon would be redeemed even graduating in philosophy.
Bruce was arrogant, overbearing (dominant Sun) and I always think you're right (Mercury opposite Jupiter). But instill was a simpleton, a deeply subject to rip-off for his ingenuity (Sagittarius). Since childhood had shown a desire to be in the spotlight (Sun dominant ascendant), and that Neptune's certainly possible to become a "mask" a man capable of metamorphosis, to adapt well to various film roles. In particular, Bruce was a comedian, always telling jokes and amaze your friends with magic tricks and skill (11 ^ home values as well as Mercury square Pluto: deceit)
Over time, the values Sagittarius him back to a certain moral order (Sun and rising), but there was always the desire to overcome the limitations imposed by the values and rules Aquarius. In fact Bruce Lee just moved to the States, he decided to open Kwon to "teach to anyone who wanted to learn." The apparent nonconformity with arrogance because he's open minded, not interested to learn if this is an African, a Japanese or an American: for him there were no differences of race, social class (values of 11 ^ home) and did not care anything about the continued harassment of the Chinese community, conservative and suspicious for excellence. It was forbidden to teach martial arts to non-Chinese "but he was a rebel (stellium in Scorpio) and did not want to hear (11th house) even when they sent the challenger to resolve the issue by force ...
During his stay in the United States, Bruce was developing a personal idea about martial arts and the fighting that was submitted, he realized his limitations in terms of ability, cardiovascular endurance, speed and effectiveness. Every fight ended in a few minutes all in favor of Bruce, but he was never satisfied: he was a perfectionist who aspired to finish the match with a single blow, "the most with the least." It was a fixed almost manic, and then submitted its strong stress on the body (Mars in Scorpio) through grueling workouts that one day led him to a serious injury to the spine (Uranus in 6th house). Bruce was paralyzed in a hospital bed for six months and doctors said that he could never practice martial arts. But doctors did not know that the chart showed a trine between Pluto and the Sun and ascending powerful resources of energy, I am powerful, strong will power! So in a short time not only recovered, but he improved greatly and further his martial skills. During the months of illness he developed his ideas on martial arts movements were too complex and therefore needed to simplify (Sagittarius) reduce to the essentials. Thus was born the Jeet Kune Do, the art of predicting the fist, the combat system without form, without pre-movement. From every struggle to learn new skills and adapt them to himself.
Along with the body, the master archer also evolved spirit. He had the desire to achieve inner peace and his philosophical studies of the Chinese Taoist culture, soon brought him many insights. His famous aphorism:In any burning desire has more desire for what you want. (Elements scorpion)The empty heads have long tongues. (Moralism Sagittarius)When you do not have a form, you can have any shape, and when you do not have a style, you can have any style. (Dominant Neptune)Knowledge is not enough, we must apply it. The will is not enough, we must act. (Sun in the first house and in trine to Pluto)No matter how you study. It 's more important how much you have absorbed and understood what you have studied. (Mercury in Scorpio)When you hear people say that Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or "what" you do not formalize it is only a name. (Dominant Neptune)My truth may not be yours, but your truth may not be mine. (11th house)Not use the method as a means having the absence of limitations as a limit.(Neptune)To know oneself is to study while acting with another. (Sagittarius and 11th House)The past is an illusion. You must learn to live in the present and accept you for who you are now. What you lack in flexibility and agility you need to acquire the knowledge and constant practice. (Sagittarius and 11th House)
Bruce had a high myopia (Neptune and the Sun on the cusp of ruling the house ^ ^ 12) offset by the desire to see deeper, to go deeper into the knowledge of martial arts and of itself. The same astrological positions are those that have led to the persecution every day someone came into the garden of his house and tried to challenge him in combat. More often than not refused but other times he reacted with the conclusion that the victim found himself in hospital with broken ribs. Most of the time the persecution came from the Chinese community and then by the Mafia when he became famous throughout the world. Then his sad and tragic death (in the eighth house and Pluto in Leo). For admirers around the globe was a big blow, a loss not justified. The magazine of China and the U.S. already talking about secret societies, clandestine love and something to cloudy. The medical report speaks of cerebral edema (Sun in the house ^) resulting from a rare allergic reaction all'equigesik, a component of aspirin. In fact it was known that the film star did frequent use of aspirin to fight his fierce headaches (Sun in the house ^). Then the same fate hit her son Brandon: shot by a volley of pistol shots during the filming of a movie. The theme of an eloquent Bruce shows Saturn in 5th house opposite to Mars in 11 ^. Today, the magnetic appeal of the popular Chinese stars (ruler of the 'house I ^ ^ 8) continues to capture the attention of the viewer of his films. people get excited and exalts himself while watching his movements, watching his weight (tank) as an instrument of death and destruction (scorpion), the little dragon dancing, martial arts icon (Mars), the symbol of the will , courage and immortality.Bruce Lee you can rest in peace.